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Accessibility Statement

The Institute of Hydrobiologie of Technische Universität Dresden makes every effort to make its project website https://weblab.hydro.tu-dresden.de/ accessible without barriers in accordance with the national legislation (Barrierefreie-Websites-Gesetz, BfWebG in connection with Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung, BITV 2.0) implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Issuing of this Accessibility Statement

This declaration was issued on 2020-09-29 and last at 2023-09-18 on the basis of self-assessment by the professorship of Human-Computer Interaction of TU Dresden at 2020-09-28.

Status of compatibility with the requirements of the BITV

This service was launched before 23rd September 2018 and does not yet fully correspond to the current state of accessibility. Incompatibilities and/or exceptions are listed below.

Content that is not deemed accessible

  • Language tags are partly missing.
  • Page headers are partly missing or not unambiguous.
  • The hierarchy of section levels is partly violated.
  • Some interactive widgets (e.g. sliders) are not accessible by keyboard.
  • Screenreader-feedback is partly insufficient:
    • Some formular widgets have no clear connection to their description.
    • The help button in weblab is not read out.
    • Entries of some selection boxes are not read out.

There are no alternative texts for the graphics generated by the web tools offered. As the tools are experimental research prototypes, this content is temporarily not accessible due to a disproportionate effort in accordance with Section 2 (3) BfWebG.

For tactile alternatives, you can contact AG Services Behinderung und Studium if necessary.


If you notice any shortcomings with regard to barrier-free design, please report this to Dr. Thomas Petzoldt (E-Mail: , Telefon: +49 351 463-34954).

We will try to correct the reported deficiencies or to provide you the reque information in an accessible form.

Enforcement procedure

If you are not satisfied with our handling of your feedback, you can contact the Saxon Arbitration Service:

Representative of the Saxon State Government for the interests of people with disabilities,

Albertstraße 10, 01097 Dresden
Postanschrift: Archivstraße 1, 01097 Dresden
Telefon: 0351 564-12161
Fax: 0351 564-12169
Webseite: https://www.inklusion.sachsen.de

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